Sunday, July 3, 4 PM
SP Weather Station Event:
with Hope Ginsburg
featuring presentations by special guests
Beka Goedde, Nim Lee, and Marie Lorenz
Flux Factory
39-31 29th Street, Long Island City
Free and open to the public
SP Weather Station, currently based on the roof of Flux Factory, invites you to the second in a series of events related to Air, Water, Earth and Fire.
Artist Hope Ginsburg and SP Weather Station will collaborate on an event inspired by Ginsburg’s Sponge series of hands-on, participatory workshops – a discipline-bending project that empowers participants to absorb information, swap-knowledge, and (inspired by the infinite reproductive powers of sea sponges), envision new events of their own. The evening will feature short presentations by special guests including artist Beka Goedde, artist/biologist/teacher Nim Lee, artist Marie Lorenz, and others with local knowledge of the NYC waterscape.
Ginsburg will lead a feltmaking demonstration while speaking about the evolution of the Sponge project itself, presenting highlights from past workshops. Participants are invited to create a model of a water molecule and converse with guest speakers while reflecting upon water as element, substrate, environment, and passageway.
Come, absorb, and share. This event is made possible (in part) by the Queens Council on the Arts with public funding from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.
About Hope Ginsburg:
Hope Ginsburg was born in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania in 1974. She received a BFA (1996) from the Tyler School of Art and a Master of Science in Visual Studies from MIT (2007.) In a body of work spanning over a decade, Ginsburg has engaged contexts such as corporations, universities and farms, and imagined who she can be within them. As employee, student, teacher and researcher, she has made sense of those contexts through direct participation and has generated projects in the forms of performance, live events and installation. A recent exhibition at CUE Art Foundation presented her ongoing teaching-and-learning project, Sponge (2007-present), which is headquartered at Virginia Commonwealth University where she is Assistant Professor in the Art Foundation and Painting & Printmaking departments. This spring she received an Art Matters grant to travel to Belize and hopefully (quite literally) dive into a barrel sponge. More info:
For more information on Guest Presenters:
Beka Goedde:
Nim Lee:
Marie Lorenz:
Thanks Hope Ginsburg and guest presenters (pictured, in order, below) Nim Lee, Marie Lorenz, and Beka Goedde for their contributions to WATER / SPONGE, the second in our series of events dedicated to the classical elements, hosted July 3rd at Flux Factory.
Ginsburg led a crash course in feltmaking, giving a glimpse into her interdisciplinary pedagogical project Sponge, and leading off a series of short presentations by speakers with unique perspectives on NYC’s waterways.

Participants create water molecules in water:

[…] Weather Station’s Water/Sponge July 3 event at Flux Factory is just one of a series of events for aquaphiles organized around the […]