One must adjust to a lack of predictable outcomes, 2014. Digital print with chine-collé woodcut, 11 x 15 in. Edition of 30 + 5 AP.
Report based on investigation of possible correlation between barometric and other kinds of pressure, stress, or pain, incorporating actual data, missing data (later replaced) and conversations regarding physical and emotional well-being with the artist’s ninety-year old mother. Conclusion: inconsistency and lack of correlation are the norm. One must adjust to a lack of predictable outcomes.

Anne Gilman, May 2013 full report:
I was looking to see if there was a correlation between barometric and other kinds of pressure, stress, or pain. Would there be more stress when there was high barometric pressure, even though those days were associated with calmer, sunnier weather?
A lack of correlation between barometric pressure and other kinds of pressure. No relation between stress and barometric pressure; pain and barometric pressure.
Contradiction in or irony between pressure levels and the kind of day that is associated with high and low barometric pressure:
low pressure = stormier weather
high pressure = calmer, sunnier weather
as opposed to how being under high levels of pressure or stress on a daily level affect us on a human level.
My reporting was based on actual data, missing data (subsequently replaced data) and conversations regarding physical and emotional well-being with my lovely ninety-year old mother.
Variables that affect outcome:
missing data (5/1 – 5/11 + 5/23 -5/31)
missing data = unexpected occurrences
for these dates replaced data found
(as in any situation when things don’t work as expected, look for alternate solutions.)
Breaking the rules is essential to the success of the outcome.
Conclusion: inconsistency and lack of correlation are the norm. One must adjust to a lack of predictable outcomes.